1 28-105mm f/2.8-3.8 only with a 67-mm filter size), but it does say that serial numbers starting with 09 or 9 were made by Cosina. I found one list of Vivitar lenses at that does not list this lens (like Pentax forums, it lists the Ser.

My lens has serial number 09811848, with the 72-mm filter size. (The hood is a twist-on bayonet-type attachment, back behind where the filter screws in, so you can turn the polarizer by putting your fingers around the lens hood easily.) My lens version has 8 blades, and as I said, it's not one of those listed in the two pages of "Series 1" 28-105mm Vivitar zoom lenses (see the front-lens inscriptions on my photo below). The lens hood needs to be as large as it is on the 28-mm end, to avoid getting in the photos so it's functionally very good. This lens has some heft it it, with a big front glass for the f/2.8, and with the dedicated (included) lens hood, it can look imposing when out on the street photographing (see photos below), and it looks good overall (not ugly like some with other variants of this lens say in their reviews. The aperture ring is solid, and has the "A" setting for aperture priority.

The focusing ring is rubber (with "Vivitar Series 1" nicely imprinted into the black rubber on the side of the barrel), and it's large and has good grip, and has a quick focus. The build is top-notch, except for the zoom creep. So even though I rate this an "8" overall, I'd rate it a "9" for use on my APS-C cameras alone. And then I tried it on my APS-C cameras, and it really shines there, with no real drop-off in the corners at all. Aside from the zoom creep, this problem with corners pushed me steadily away using from this lens over time, despite its sharpness. One of the things that I didn't like about this lens on a FF camera was the vignetting and light fall-off in the corners, with some barrel distortion noticeable at 28mm. I got a lot of great photos with this lens in my film days, when I would shoot about 2/3 slide and 1/3 regular film. I bought my copy new (apparently for close to $200, not counting tax) in the 1980s for my K1000, and it was my most-used lens for a good decade, as I was doing a lot of world traveling in those years, and this would be the only lens I'd take for travels by plane. My lens also seems to be sharper than lots of the copies reviewed here on Pentax Forums, so it may be an improved later design. The categories on this 28-105mm Series 1 lens need to be changed to simply "f/2.8-3.8" and "f/3.5-4.5", because my lens doesn't fall into any of the categories listed. Sharpness: 9 Aberrations: 7 Bokeh: 8 Handling: 8 Value: 9 Camera Used: K1000, LX, PZ-1, K10D, K-3 II No control of zoom creep above 30 degrees vignetting on FF macro Fast, sharp nice, solid build great single-lens range for travel good dedicated lens hood macro